
Sunday, July 24, 2011

How to shape your kids better

Raising good children is an art. How sincere the parents in discharging their responsibility towards their children will reflect in the development of the latter. In other words as the parents sow, so they as well as their children would reap. It demands active efforts, concern, sensitivity, skills and understanding on the part of the parents. CHILDREN ARE ALWAYS AT THE MERCY OF THEIR CARETAKERS TO LOOK AFTER THEIR PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL NEEDS. A child is a reflection of his parents' behavior.

It is, however impossible to write a perfect prescription to mold ourselves into caring and successful parents. However, in this regard, there are some guidelines which the parents may find quite useful. Parents must note that there are many individual variations in parents as there are in children. Furthermore, when we talk of parents and couples, we are not only dealing with two people but also with the net result of their interaction with each other. Also remember that there are some necessary prerequisites to effective parenting are there are to most tasks.

Every child needs emotionally healthy parents who are mature and who love each other. In homes where there is only one parent, his/her task, becomes very complex. Parents need to demonstrate their love for their children not only by their actions but also by the kind of environment they create in their homes. A child develops security and confidence when he knows that he is loved.

Parents need to develop some understanding of their child's personality, as his talents, interests, and aspirations. With this knowledge, they can assist the child in aiming more accurately towards his goals, thus, helping him to fulfill his objectives.

Parents must encourage their children to encourage their true feelings. The successful parents imbibe their family with a sense of belonging, and provide opportunities for democratic planning and social action.

Consideration of and help for individual and family problems should be provided readily. The test of the genuineness of a problem lies more in the intensity of the feeling about it, than the nature of the problem itself. The successful parents constantly seek for a better way to do what they have to do without affecting their attention towards their children.

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