
Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Proffesor

You were dashing.  You are perhaps the youngest professor that I ever had, you were 27 then and I was 19, Seriously? I can’t remember how our thing started, What I remember was looking into the directory one day to look for your office phone number, I placed a call, the next thing I know, I was driving you home every night after class.
We had a difficult time hiding the truth about  us from among the people in the faculty and from among my  classmates, I remember some people from class seeing us one night while we went out on a date after class, and I had to answer a million questions from the guys the next day., and it was so hard to conceal something that was evident.
Everything happened so fast, Can’t even remember how it started nor how it ended, all I know is that it ended for no apparent reason, it just died down, You were in a rush and I was too young, you were already a lawyer and I was just in college, what was I supposed to do?, marry you and be your driver or office secretary?
Now that I am in the middle of this letter, I can’t really think of anything to say, maybe because there was not much in the relationship that we had, and oh, one thing I still have those cards that you sent me and the poem that you wrote, “If only I can have three wishes” its pretty and I kept it.
Now I remember, you were at times agitated about me being so possessive and jealous, well, imagine a 19 year old boy having a 27 year old dashing lawyer as his girlfriend? That’s every boy’s dream and nightmare at the same time.  
Those road trips that we had were good memories, I remember leaving my car at the parking lot somewhere in Angeles just to be able to drive you to your office in your own car and take a jeepney on my way back……. It was always worth the trip specially with our favorite hot choco in the mornings, once I threw the cup outside the car window you scolded me by saying “Do you know how many years it will take for that styro cup to melt?” hahahaha. And I remember as well your favorite song during those times it was “What’s forever for?” We played it in your car everyday…………
Well, forever might be for keeping memories of something that  happened and does not completely unhappen. 

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